Chelsea Chocolates in Barrie
On June 01 at 6:45 PM
Chelsea Chocolates will reopen for personal shopping on Tuesday June 2, 2020.
Our safety protocols include;
Asking our wonderful customers to please shop from home if you are feeling unwell. Orders can now be placed directly from our website and contactless side door pickup is still available.
A request that you wear a mask to protect our staff, as they will be wearing one to protect you.
One shopper only in the store at a time based on floor space regulations, we have lots of chocolate!
Please maintain social distancing with other customers who are waiting to enter.
Hand sanitizer provided at the entrance, use it freely before entering and when leaving.
Choose with your eyes before making your selected purchase, we are happy to answer all your questions.
Protective barrier desk shield has been installed.
Tap, debit/credit preferred, cash will be accepted if required.
Exceptional cleaning and sanitizing protocols continue.
Store Hours are Tuesday to Friday 10-6, Saturday and Sunday 9-4, closed on Mondays.
Thank you for your continued support of local business!

Chelsea Chocolates in Barrie
On May 30 at 12:47 PM
Feed your sweet tooth! Chelsea Chocolates gourmet bars, perfect for dessert or snacking. Indulgence with a healthy side of seeds, fruit and coconut. Call to place your order 705-725-9210

Chelsea Chocolates in Barrie
On May 25 at 5:00 PM
It's wine o'clock, lift your glass the Chelsea Chocolates way to celebrate National Wine Day! Cheers.

Chelsea Chocolates in Barrie
On May 22 at 12:38 PM
Team Chocolate is sending smiles today as a reminder that humour helps and wearing, or in this case, eating your sunglasses is a good choice! Cheers to Friday.

Chelsea Chocolates in Barrie
On May 20 at 11:31 AM
It's #WorldBeeDay and Chelsea Chocolates wants to create some buzz to celebrate the pollinators, we believe our chocolate bee will do just that!

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