I.T.S. Personal Trainer
in Orillia
On January 09
at 7:29 PM
Stride Inside 6 hour Endurance Today I set forth to test my limits and return to the sport I love, endurance running. Not having ran more then 50 km since being pregnant today was a true test of not just my training to date but how far I've come in the last 10 months. Even more how far I've come in even the last five months with my physical abilities. After the birth of Ilamea embarrassed to share at the time, I was left partially paralyzed on my left side. I struggled to lift my leg, putting on my own pants was a challenge, turning my neck ( to a point where I avoided driving if possible), Even reaching my own foot to put on my sock was extremely difficult and at times painful. Left with a broken tail bone from labour and my hips became out of alignment due to the birthing process - walking, sitting, standing all became weaknesses. I cried, in pain while attempting to run and worried I'd never get back to running ever again. At Ilameas six month appointment I again reviewed my ailments with my physician for him to tell me that if I still had paralyses at a year to come to him about it then and no sooner. He said these were all normal attributes to childbearing. So that day I went home and did what I do best..- pushed myself. It wasn't easy. But everyday I pushed myself. Fast forward: knowing myself I do best under deadlines. So registering for "Stride Inside" was a no brainer. I had a goal, it was pretty simple. Run as far as fast - as I could. Although hindsight my pelvis bones where not strong enough to be ready for 6 hours of pounding- I did it. Despite taking 3 - 15 minute nursing breaks and one 10 minute nutrition break I covered 177 laps, something I could not have done less then two months ago! I am blessed by the birth of my forth child in so many ways. It has humbled me to a greater understanding of not just my limits but the limits others face. I embrace those awakenings because it is in those moments I have a real appreciation for the human spirit, body and life itself. I'm humbled to know where I've been, to have ran 100 miler, to run so far while pregnant and to yet stand at another start line with only trusting in myself that I have what it takes to get me through. A big thank you to all those that chatted with me along our journey's today, making the miles slip away and to those that shared in the passion of a truly unique sport - one that is as individual as it is a team.
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